Location: 1 Fordham Plaza, Suite 901, Bronx, NY, 10458
The Family Based Therapeutic Intervention (FBTI) works under the contract with the office of Mental Health (OMH) to provide family therapy to children and families who reside in the Bronx, NY, with and without Medicaid.
The FBTI is voluntary. Services are offered in-home, typically during evening hours. The program works intensively with families for a range of six months. This is in conjunction with other clinic providers who may already be working with families.
The goals of the program are to:
- Improve mental health for children and families.
- Increase family functioning.
- Decrease problematic behaviors.
- Improve communication between family members.
- Reduce psychiatric hospitalizations.
Targeted Case Management/Health Homes Affiliate
Children’s Waiver Program/Health Homes Affiliate
Children & Family Treatment Support Services
Home and Community Based Services
Family Support Network/Mobile Crisis Response
Family Based Therapeutic Intervention